This day, 10 years ago, a billion dreams came true...
"Dhoni finishes off in style, a magnificent strike into the crowd, India lift the World Cup after 28 years, the party starts in the dressing room, and it's an Indian captain who has been absolutely magnificent in the night of the Final." - Ravi Shastri These words have forever been inscribed in the minds and hearts of all Indians. It's rare when a single moment like this can transform an entire nation into a sense of happy disbelief. For all cricket fans in India, this moment of glory was special… very, very special… Today when I look back to that moment, the memories of jumping up in the air, high-fiving my friends, and celebrating on the streets flash in front of my eyes… It was a surreal feeling. Fans were storming the streets with slogans of triumph and cheers of ecstasy… The feeling that India had won the 2011 Cricket World Cup was yet to sink in. It's been 10 years since that epic final, and for someone who grew up in the 90s, seeing an Indian captain lift...